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Microsoft Access DB with ASP Print

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To use a Microsoft Access Database (.mdf file), you will need to create a folder in your web space (inside the http docs folder) and give this folder full write permissions using the file manager in your Plesk control panel (click the padlock icon next to the folder you have created to set the permissions).

Hint: If you do not set write permissions, the database can not be written to and can not generate a temp file (in the same folder as your database) required for your access database to function correctly.

Method -1 (ODBC)
Once the database has been uploaded, you may wish to setup an ODBC connection to the database for easier connection.

Click the ODBC icon in your Plesk control panel for the domain. Next, click "Add New ODBC DNS". Give the connection a name. Select the driver as "Microsoft Access Database (.mdf)" and click ok. In the field [DBQ] DB File Path *, enter the server path to your database file you have uploaded to your web space e.g. C:\Inetpub\vhosts\yourdomain.com\httpdocs\folderyourcreated\database.mdf - Replace 'yourdomain.com' with your domain name. Replace 'folder your created', with the folder you created in step 1. Replace 'database.mdf' with the name of your database file.

Leave all the other settings as default. Next, click test connection. It connect is successful, then click next and then ok. If the connection is unsuccessful, please ensure the server path to the database is correct.

Method -2 (Your own connection string, script)
If you want to connect to the database using your scripts, you can use:

str Conn String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Inetpub\vhosts\yourdomain.com\httpdocs\folder your created\ database.mdf" '## MS Access 2000

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